If you have done some driving in Costa Rica, you may have felt an “urge” to get insured (lol).  Most of our clients in the PASS service end up getting voluntary coverage, often mainly for the road side assistance which is valid nationwide.   The following information is basic information on the mandatory and voluntary insurance in Costa Rica.  What they cover and some information about costs.

Insurance – Obligatory (Marchamo)

The hill of death?
Accidents happen …

The annual property tax and obligatory insurance is paid every December. On cars being registered for the first time in Costa Rica it is paid on a prorated basis when the car is imported. If you purchase a vehicle that already has a license plate, then the marchamo should be valid (the sticker and marchamo document) The insurances covers a minimum amount of liability (less than $13,000 in 2023) for injuries people suffer if your vehicle is in an accident, regardless of who the driver is and whether or not the driver is at fault. They may be occupants of your auto, another vehicle, or pedestrians.

The marchamo is adjusted every year, keep in mind that the actual insurance portion is only about 17%, the rest is taxes and fees.  It is charged based on the fiscal value of the vehicle.  Lower value vehicles will pay less than $150, while most SUVs would pay $250 – $400.  Super luxury vehicles and brand new ones may pay over $1000.

Voluntary Insurance – Coverages

For budgeting, the insurance premiums generally come in at between $90 and $140 per month. Most of our clients pay every six months, you may pay quarterly or monthly — but the INS charges a small fee for each additional payment you schedule. While the value of the vehicle is a factor, newer cars get lower rates. So often the rates are similar even though there is a big difference in the value of the vehicle. There are special rates for new cars and you can pay a full year, but the deductibles are very high — so it’s a good idea to compare.

A good example of Coverage H — additional risks
  • Coverage A * is Personal Liability – Injuries or Death paid on damages established by the courts.
  • Coverage B which is Family Passengers – medical care for driver and family up to the 3rd degree
  • Coverage C * is Property Damage – damage to property owned by others.
  • Coverage D which is Collision – damage to your vehicle
  • Coverage F which is Theft – the insured value of the vehicle is paid, or damages to car if recovered; and
  • Coverage H which is Additional Risks. (natural disasters for example)
  • Coverage N — Deduction Exemption – this converts the C, D and F coverages to zero deductible.  The only condition is that the claim must be more than 300,000 colones.

*  These are the base coverages, you must have these before you can get any others.

Note Collision — In case you have an accident, AND are sure you will want to make a claim on either your insurance or the other driver’s insurance, you will want to make sure to call the traffic police at 911 and also the insurance company so that they send their inspector. 800-800-8000 is INS number. Also, you will want to look for an authorized body shop in your area. INS AUTHORIZED REPAIR SHOPS is a searchable web page

These coverage designations are for the INS, other companies have similar policies — in general theft and collision may be opted out of, this will reduce the rate significantly.

Roadside assistance: may be purchased fairly cheaply as an additional coverage. You get free roadside assistance anywhere in Costa Rica. This will cover your car not starting, running out of gas, a flat tire and a tow truck. You can use it 3 times a year, plus 3 tows per year.  You call a toll-free number, state your name and license plate and then the representative will ask if you need assistance or a tow. The vehicle must be less than 20 years old and less than 5000 kilograms.

Sample Insurance Premium Quote — April 2023 — The following rate was quoted to one of our clients on an SUV valued at about $19,000.


Insurance Amount

Premium 6 Months

Coverage A: Civil Liability for injury and/or death of persons outside the vehicle.Limit per Person:
¢ 100,000,000
Limit per Accident:
¢ 200,000,000
¢ 16,891
Coverage P: Family Medical Plus¢ 10,000,000 ¢ 21,410
Coverage C: Civil Liability for property damage.¢ 80,000,000 ¢ 21,258
Coverage D: Collision and/or rollover.¢ 11,200,000 ¢ 210,745
Coverage F: Theft and/or assault.¢ 11,200,000 ¢ 9,653
Coverage H: Additional Risks.¢ 11,200,000 ¢ 4,141
Coverage E: Legal Fees¢ 20,000,000 ¢ 7,700
Coverage K: Alternate Transport (10 days for car rental while your car is in the body shop)No fixed limit on coverage, since it is a coverage on services.¢ 32,949
Coverage M: Roadside AssistanceNo fixed limit on coverage, since it is a coverage on services. ¢ 6,820
Coverage N: Deducible Exemption.Applicable on coverage: C ¢ 7,675
 VAT: Value Added Tax13% ¢ 42,953
 Discount for no claims historyExperience Factor Discount – 45%
Total Premium 6 months¢ 391,475
The premium can be paid for up to 6 months, or monthly, or every 3 months. If paid for shorter terms the price is slightly higher


A new policy by the INS requires that clients insuring a vehicle provide proof of the source of the funds.  This is due to anti-drug trafficking and money laundering regulations from the SUGEF (which regulates financial institutions in Costa Rica).

If the vehicle is being paid with funds from a Costa Rican bank account, this isn’t necessary.  But if the purchase is a cash transaction or international transfer then one of the following is needed:

  • Account statement showing the withdrawal.
  • Withdrawal slip from your bank.
  • A printout of a screenshot from your bank log in screen that states your name.  The account balance isn’t needed. If you can also provide a screenshot of the transaction for the specific withdrawal that is good.

If you are looking to purchase a used or new car in Costa Rica, wheelsCR.com can help you with our PASS service. Click here, used car buying assistance in Costa Rica for details. Click here, New Cars in Costa Rica for information on the peculiar process.

If you would like to see information about other vehicle types and models, click here — Vehicle Makes and Models in Costa Rica — for a list of articles on our site.