General Information on Vehicles in Costa Rica and Driving Posts

WheelsCR logo with highway, water and mountains

Tires in Costa Rica – considerations and popular brands

This post talks about types of tires and the most common performance ratings. Popular brands are covered as well as considerations for purchasing

Costa Rica Auto Insurance and Coverages

Costa Rica auto insurance and coverages, this article explains the insurance coverage for obligatory insurance (the marchamo) and for other policies.

National Registry Goes Paperless

As a part of Costa Rica's efforts to become de-carbonized by 2050, the government institutions are required to reduce their emissions and also consumption of natural resources. The National Registry is no exception, and in 2020 they stopped issuing paper titles for...

Sticklers for Stickers

If you are purchasing a vehicle, this article gives you important information about what stickers must be present and what other documents validate the stickers. Even if you are driving a rental or friend’s car, this information could be very helpful.