Virtual Service Buying a Vehicle Remotely

For clients that do not want to come to San Jose or would like to have a vehicle immediately upon arrival, we offer a virtual PASS. This service works very well for a lot of clients, however, it is not appropriate for all cases.

It works similarly to our normal service, but we can provide the vehicle information by email.

Getting Started

Preliminary Consultation

What we do normally is consult with our clients by email regarding the price range and characteristics of the vehicle. In this case we will communicate even more thoroughly than normal, in order to narrow down the possible candidates to the fewest possible and most exact models that match the criteria. Ideally, the client will have driven these models at some point, or at least knows someone who has one. 

Getting Information

AKA … List of Candidates

Once we’ve determined the exact budget, models and form of payment, then we can proceed to request information from select dealers whom we have worked with in this format since the pandemic.

We can get pictures, video and other information from the dealers. We can combine this information into a report, which would be delivered by email in combination with other web services for sharing files.

4 to 6 candidate vehicles would be a good number and the client can select which vehicle they prefer.

Mechanic's Inspection

Verification Process

The next step is to verify that this vehicle is in the described condition, and move along to the 2nd best choice if something is amiss.  The mechanic will visually inspect for cosmetic and mechanical condition, also connect the onboard computer to the scanner to verify all sensors and modules are working correctly.

Of course, the mechanic will test drive the vehicle and verify that the 4×4 low range or all wheel drive is working, as well as the A/C and other mechanisms.

Payment By SWIFT

International Wire Transfer

Once the vehicle passes the inspection, the client proceeds with the payment via electronic transfer. Once that is completed the dealer would deliver the vehicle to your location in Costa Rica along with the sales contract.

WheelsCR logo with highway, water and mountains
Advantages of the Virtual Format
  • The vehicle can be ready for you upon arrival.
  • You avoid the test driving process 
  • You don’t have to stay multiple nights in San Jose, or even come to the Central Valley.
  • There is a longer time frame for searching, if it is a difficult vehicle to source. 
  • You will be wiring the money in advance to the dealership internationally.
  • You don’t see the vehicle yourself or the physical dealer location. 
  • You don’t get to test drive several candidates and compare directly which is more comfortable or feels more solid. 

The VIRTUAL PASS is the same price as our normal service, which is $440. And the price of the vehicles will include the delivery process, this may require a lawyer to accompany the driver delivering the car in some cases. In any case the quoted prices will include these costs, and also the legal / registry fees.

If you would like to make an appointment, click here — VIRTUAL PASS. For further details on our normal service, click here — Costa Rica Used Car Guide. As you fill out the contact form, just indicated you would like the virtual PASS, so we can begin the process correctly.