For those leaving Costa Rica

We Can Help You Sell Your Vehicle Quickly

If your time in Costa Rica has come to an end for any reason, and you would like help with selling your car, we can assist you. To be sure, you will get a better price selling most vehicles in your local area to a private party.

But maybe you would like to use your car right up until the time you leave, or don’t want to take risks of showing the car to strangers. You might just want the convenience of cashing out in a single morning!

Then the CREXIT service will help you sell your car for fast cash, or you may wish to maximize your return and leave the car for a consignment sale.

How it Works

The way it works is that within our normal pool of dealers, we have several who do buy cars outright, or will take cars on consignment.

You can evaluate your comfort level with the different dealers and both types of offers, from there you can decide which is the best way to go. On consignment, the dealers will charge from 8-10% and will advise you as to a good price to put on the vehicle for a quick sale.

As for time frame, this will take half a day, we usually show the car at 3 or 4 dealers. We can’t tell you in advance how much the dealers will offer, as it depends on the exact model of vehicle, the mechanical and cosmetic condition, and prevailing market conditions.


WheelsCR logo with highway, water and mountains

Advantages of CREXIT

  • Sell quickly
  • Tie up loose ends and cash out
  • A seamless process that is well organized

CREXIT Disadvantages

  • You get less from your investment
    • Going the consignment may help though
  • A fairly high degree of trust is involved

Cash or Consignment?

The main decision

Considerations and some historical information

We have been providing this service for our previous PASS service customers on a case-by-case basis for several years now, and the fee is the same $440. In general those with a lower value vehicle end up taking the cash offers. While with newer and higher value vehicles it often makes more sense to maximize their return and leave it on consignment.

It is best if the car has been nationalized and has Costa Rican license plates and paperwork. But cars that are still on a valid entry permit can also be sold this way, but on consignment it will be necessary to pay the import duties and fees first.


  • All fields except telephone are required. 
  • You  may use the form even if you aren’t sure about using this service, questions are welcome!

This form is also valid if you would like to trade in your vehicle and purchase another, just mention that in the description.

CREXIT Service Request Form

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